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Die Schware Schoof Galerie

Welcome to the demo gallery of TWG. It shows some demo folders with image, videos and mp3's and how it is set up. There are 2 new features of TWG 1.5 activated: "Auto skip thumbnail page" (thumbs page is skipped if all thumbs can be seen on the detail page) and "Autodetect noscroll" (the thumb strip is not moving if all thumbs are visible).
This description is stored in folder.txt. (folder_<language>.txt are the language dependant text files!)
Change the title above in the config and/or language files! Make sure to delete all files in the pictures folder from the demo setup (especially the text files). I have found many installations where my default text is still there!

Consejo: Por favor pulsa en el enlace de ayuda, si quieres saber qué puedes hacer con la galería.
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